

  LOVE YOUR FOLKS is a place you can come to anytime for inspiration to draw, write and pay tribute to the people who have visited your life. Love your Journey. Love your Folks. Remember the people who have visited your life. Think of how they first showed up, the exact spot where you met and where you mind space was at. Think of how different your life would be, had you never met. Remember the person who awoke your sensuality, whose single glance, shook your entire being and it felt as if you knew them in a previous lifetime. Remember the first kiss, the taste of their sweet lips, their hands on a journey along your body, their tongue, like lightning over a glistening, green field. Remember the person who told you to be careful, to slow down, and that same person being there for you after you crashed; because you did not slow down. Remember someone who saved your life. Maybe they pulled you out of the ocean when you were drowning. Maybe they took you to emergency not knowing if it was


  LOVE has brought me happiness, laughter, compassion, kindness, and support from the most significant people in my life. LOVE has brought me lust, in the shower, up against the wall, under blankets of feathers and silk, in the dark, safe, lips traversing every inch of my body, to be held, to be kissed, to be warm, wet, and wonderful with another human being, a man, a woman, all the colours of the rainbow, shining in speckles of glitter upon our bliss. LOVE held my Father's hand as he took his last breath, kissed my Grandmother's forehead as her body was finally free from paralysis and horrific pain, fostered and adopted dogs that deserved 1000 chances more, brought someone from a past life into my present-day life, an instant connection, “Bashert”. LOVE is the reason we are here. It's the one thing that flows, ebbs, and washes over us when we feel like we are smothered in all of life's details. It is the most beautiful, most difficult, most sensible, most confusing, mo


  We all have one. It’s someone you loved, still love and think of often. You carry them around with you everywhere and all throughout your life. You wonder if you will run into them at some obscure time for one intense moment and if you did, you wonder what you would say. You remember their face so clearly that you can see it whenever you search the back of your mind. Your life goes on and you share it with another and all of its complexities keep you busy and running but at times these waves overtake you transporting you back to them and the loved you shared. There is something special about loving someone so much that you carry them around your entire life. The love is so great, so intense and so overwhelming that you would give everything just to have them standing in front of you, if even for a moment, if even for the rest of your life. We all carry someone. You do. I do. And somewhere, someone is driving home in the dark with that song playing on the radio; thinking, wishing, rem


  Who do you have to thank for being in your life? Who had your back when you were so overwhelmed you could barely put a thought together? Who reached out and held you in their arms when you were cold and shaking? Who fed you, bathed you, stayed by your side while you were sick, so sick you thought you may never fully recover? Who gave you the confidence to take that chance that changed the course of your life? Who believed in you when you did not believe in yourself? Who forgave you time and time again as you broke their heart, left them wondering what they had done so wrong for you to treat them so poorly? Who listened to you obsess over the same situations, the same story, again and again as if they had never heard those words leave your mouth? Who picked you up at the airport with a coat in hand because they were worried you may get cold? Whose face did you see light up when you exited those sliding doors? Who kept a secret that no one else knew? Who did you trust when you could no


  I t's 1AM, I can't sleep and neither can my dog so I grab a headlight and we go out into the night. He leads me along a wooded path covered in memories of paw prints and explorations with dogs of past and present.  We are surrounded by giant pines and we can hear the whisper of everything that is alive and dancing through the forest. We find a spot unobstructed by trees where we can sit and take in the starry, country sky.  A deep, warm silhouette of colours and shapes waltz their way across the canvas and every now and then a star loses its grip and falls.  I feel a wave of emotion come over me. I wonder where stars learn to twinkle and why some fall while the others stay in place.     I hold my dog close and kiss his head. I hold him never wanting to let go because my love for him is so great and our time together so brief. As we head back toward the house, he nudges my hand with his head, barks and gestures. Suddenly, we are startled by a  strobe of light racing across the